Cameron Ahmad | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Performing experiments to determine the effects of viscosity disparities in co-annular jet flows.
- Worked as an engineer for The Columbia Group, Applied Research Associates, and NSWC PCD, solving problems for the Coast Guard, Air Force, and Navy.
- Received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Johns Hopkins University in 2013 and 2014 respectively.
John Carter | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Performing Shock Tube experiment to consider the effects of different angles and variable initial conditions on Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability.
- Received Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University, Cookevegas, TN in May 2014.
- Originally from Knoxville, TN.
Dan Fries | Graduate Researcher | Aerospace Engineering
- Working on experimental combustion and turbulence in subsonic and supersonic flows to improve the fundamental understanding of the coupling between flowfield and chemical reactions under compressible conditions.
- Interested in high-speed flows and phenomena, reacting flows, magneto-hydrodynamics, advanced propulsion system concepts and space access/utilization.
- Received Diploma of Engineering with distinction from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 2014.
- Received M.S. Aerospace from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2013, funded through a Fulbright Scholarship.
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Stephen Johnston | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Performing experiments to determine the influence of container shape on the flow structure of thermally driven convection in high viscosity fluids.
- Performing experiments to study Rayleigh-Benard Convection at extremely turbulent conditions using cryogenic nitrogen.
- Received Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University in May 2014.
Alon Katz | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Designing and testing heat exchanger for supercritical carbon dioxide power generation cycle, to withstand the high temperatures, pressures and to comply with relevant ASME standards.
- Worked as a research engineer in a biomedical design and testing laboratory prior to joining Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Received Master’s and Bachlor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering (graduated cum laude) from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel in August 2011.
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Chang Hyeon (Sam) Lim | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Performing experiments to measure heat transfer properties and behavior of supercritical carbon dioxide.
- Received Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in May 2017.
Benjamin Musci | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Conducting shock tube experiments to understand the effect that initial conditions on a gaseous interface will have on transitions to turbulent flow.
- Preparing to experimentally research the mixing and instabilities of different density fluids driven by blast waves.
- Received B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Ohio State University in May 2015.
- Originally from the Akron, Ohio.
Sam Petter | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Designing a device to generate, measure, and contain blast waves.
- Preparing experimentation of turbulent instabilities in different density fluids impinged by blast waves.
- Received B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Ausitn in May, 2016.
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Prasoon Suchandra | Graduate Researcher | Mechanical Engineering
- Investigating Rayleigh-Taylor Instability using gas channel experiments.
- Research interests: Fluid mechanics (computational, experimental and theoretical), aerodynamics, novel aerospace propulsion systems.
- Received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in June 2015.
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